Homelessness Resources

1.     As you know, the city has been facing a housing crisis for a while now, these issues have only increase with the health crisis our world is going through. As we face unprecedented challenges which includes a financial one, it is become clear that the lack of funding for agencies and organizations to provide supportive services to individuals who are experiencing homelessness have resulted in situations like yours.

There are a few organizations who are extremely focused in making effect on these problems and I wanted to share them with you, if you are interested in contacting them to get involve in their mission:

Email: info@vocal-ny.org (same instructions as the previous bulletpoint).

2.     Additionally, we need all help with advocating for funding for these programs. You can reach out to the Commissioner of Department of Homeless Services.

Office of the Commissioner

33 Beaver Street, 17th Floor

New York, NY 10004


Send e-mail here: https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/home/mail/html/maildhs.html

3.     If you are experiencing unsheltered homelessness and living on the streets or subway, you can get help at Drop-In Centers (DICs). These centers are designed to make getting services easier and to help remove barriers that may be keeping you from taking the first step toward transitional and permanent housing.

At DICs, you can access specialized services that meet your immediate needs such as:

·       Hot meals and clothing

·       Showers and laundry facilities

·       Counseling, case management services, and connections to health care, including medical care and mental health care

·       Help finding a job or applying for benefits

·       On-site staff can also work closely with you to help you transition off the streets if you choose to do so.

You can drop in at any time. All centers are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays.

4.     The Mayor’s Office and city agencies- have dedicated more resources to assisting homeless individuals and families across the City. However, the sad reality is that if the individuals decide not to accept the services being offered to them by a multitude of social service providers and city offices, there is nothing we can do. We cannot force anyone to receive services.

Forcibly removal can only happen when an individual 1) is breaking the law/committing a crime; 2) has set up an encampment structure, such as a tent or other erected structure; and/or 3) during either a CODE BLUE* or CODE RED** days/nights.  Outside of these instances, our office encourages you to call 311 when you see homeless individuals congregating/loitering at this site. When you call 311, an outreach team goes out to that site and works to engage the individuals and hopefully connect them to services that will get them off the street and into a shelter.


• Temperature falls below 32 degrees or wind chill below 0 degrees (Fahrenheit).

• Ice storms or freezing rain OR snow greater than 6 inches.


• Heat index of 90 degrees is predicted by the National Weather Service within 24 hours.


Breaking Ground

100-32 Atlantic Avenue (at 102nd Street)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays



120 East 32nd Street (between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays 

By Subway: 6 train to 33rd Street

Olivieri Center for Homeless

257 West 30th Street (between 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays

By Subway: A, C, E, 1, 2, or 3 train to 34th Street-Penn Station


The Living Room

800 Barretto Street (at Lafayette Avenue)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays

By Subway: 6 train to Hunts Point Avenue

The Haven

2640 Third Ave (between East 141 Street and East 142 Street)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays

By Subway: 6 train to 3 Ave/138th St Station


Gathering Place

2402 Atlantic Avenue (between Sackman Street and Jardine Place)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays

By Subway: A train to Broadway Junction

Staten Island

Project Hospitality

150 Richmond Terrace (between Wall Street and Schuyler Street)

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays