Mobility is a fundamental part of making our city function for everyone. For too long, our public transportation options have been overcrowded, unreliable, and inaccessible. Now, as NYC recovers from the pandemic, it is crucially important that we address the challenges plaguing our mass transit system once and for all. The ability of our community and our city to get back on its feet, depends on it. Our public health depends on it. 

It means expanding bus service instead of curtailing it. It means making every MTA station accessible to people with disabilities, the elderly, and parents with strollers. It means treating MTA service in Queens as an integrated system where LIRR fares are affordable to the communities they run through. In addition, we need to prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety by bringing together members of our community and other stakeholders in favor of smart solutions to make better use of our streets.


“Only through a comprehensive approach to mobility can we move forward”


We need better parking management, including the expansion of residential parking permits to all our neighborhoods. Only through a comprehensive approach can we move forward toward a future that offers every alternative for people to move about reliably, safely and conveniently.

  • Expand Bus Service, especially rapid bus transit like Select Bus Service in our community

  • Reduced LIRR fares for New York City residents

  • Prioritize Pedestrian and Cyclist safety in all street redesigns

  • Improve parking management with expansion of residential parking permits

  • Push for city take-over of MTA to put subways and buses under municipal control